Intro To My Life
Hey ya'll 💜 I'm super happy that you are here! I've had it on my heart to start a blog for about a year now, and well, here I am! I wanted to take some time to introduce myself, and hopefully help you get to know me a little better.
The first and most important thing about me is that I really love Jesus. He's the reason this blog has begun, and He will be the reason every post is written. I authentically gave my life to Him 8 years ago now, and geez, let me tell's been wild. More on all of that later though. I believe He has been leading me to write encouragement for women and has grown this desire in me over the past few years. All the lessons and truths I've experienced are a growing part of the testimony of Him in my life, and I am convinced that my purpose (at least in part) is to display those beautiful things here, for all of you.
Some other things to help break the ice:
*I'm 29 years old
*I'm a wife of 9 years- we were just babies when we got married!
*My husband just planted a church (Communion Fellowship Church) in Universal City, Tx, where we recently moved to this year.
*I love all things healthy and being active is something I very much enjoy.
* I'm a big science nerd! In college I was studying to be a biology teacher, but the Lord turned my life upside down and I was blessed to become a wife and mother instead.
*I deeply feel emotions and care very much about sorting through them, understanding what's behind them, and how to effectively communicate them. (Hence the name "Heartfelt Woman") Often times though, I'm better at writing than actually speaking words.
*I love people deeply and always try to cultivate authentic and open relationships- I'm really not about holding stuff in. I struggle with insecurities, selfishness, and pride just like everyone else, and I try to be an open book about what's going on.
*I love talking and sharing! Maybe sometimes too much (still working on that lol)
I could go on about things that I think will help you "know me" but I'll go ahead and stop there for now. Truth is, I'd rather you just know what the Lord has done in me and for me. So in this journey ahead, please have grace for me as I'm learning how to blog, and all the things that come with that. I hope to write once a week as the Spirit guides me in what to share. I hope to encourage you, point you to Christ, and maybe even make you laugh a little along the way.
Be blessed, my sweet sisters!
Courtney ❤
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